Thursday, July 27, 2006

Today's Hot Trailer

Mr. John Good has posted a trailer at his site, Left in Aboite, for an upcoming film called America: Freedom to Fascism. The trailer runs 14 minutes and 49 seconds, which is a while ... but, for whatever my recommendation might be worth, I recommend it as a good use of that quarter-hour.


Craig said...

Oh lord, now they're over here.

Sorry about that Bartleby.

Craig said...

By the way...

Dig that verb tense.

Jim Wetzel said...

One of 'em's not.

His verb tenses are his problem, and no concern of mine. The obscene pseudo-URL, on the other hand, was something that failed completely to amuse me.

Him and his horse.

John Good said...

Apparently I'm glad that I missed that.