Monday, June 29, 2009

G. W. Obama on Torture

President Change We Can Believe In™ has delivered himself of some no-doubt-ghostwritten remarks in dishonor of "United Nations International Day in Support of Torture Victims:"
Twenty-five years ago, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention Against Torture, and twenty-two years ago this very day, the Convention entered into force. The United States’ leading role in the negotiation of the Convention and its subsequent ratification and implementation enjoyed strong bipartisan support. Today, we join the international community in reaffirming unequivocally the principles behind that Convention, including the core principle that torture is never justified.

Torture violates United States and international law as well as human dignity. Torture is contrary to the founding documents of our country, and the fundamental values of our people. It diminishes the security of those who carry it out, and surrenders the moral authority that must form the basis for just leadership. That is why the United States must never engage in torture, and must stand against torture wherever it takes place.

My administration is committed to taking concrete actions against torture and to address the needs of its victims. On my third day in office, I issued an executive order that prohibits torture by the United States. My budget request for fiscal year 2010 includes continued support for international and domestic groups working to rehabilitate torture victims.

The United States will continue to cooperate with governments and civil society organizations throughout the international community in the fight to end torture. To this end, I have requested today that the Department of State solicit information from all of our diplomatic missions around the world about effective policies and programs for stopping torture and assisting its victims so that we and our civil society partners can learn from what others have done. I applaud the courage, compassion and commitment of the many people and organizations doing this vitally important work.
So what's David Frum up to? From the way the above reads, I have to think Rainbow Brite has simply retained at least one of Dubya's speechwriters. The remarks are incomplete, though. I shall do my duty as a good citizen and assist Da Prez, gratis:

The United States will also continue to spare no effort in covering up its recent history of torture, and to make certain that no torturers are investigated, prosecuted, or even fired. And, however difficult it may be, I will absolutely stifle my giggles when issuing this annual boilerplate denunciation of torture. I'm the Chosen One, and I will meet the challenge.

(Thanks to James Bovard for linking to the Obama statement.)

1 comment:

Craig said...

The sad story of Mohammed Jawad...