Monday, April 24, 2006

CD Pimping

The older of my former children (when they're six inches taller than you are, it's hard to call 'em kids) introduced me to Porcupine Tree some time back, and I recently acquired their disc "Deadwing." The reviewers typically want to compare PT to Pink Floyd, but to me, King Crimson (first version) is more like it. Moody stuff, but edgy ... and a fair amount of melodic beauty and lyrical poetry. Give them a listen sometime. Other albums I can recommend include "Lightbulb Sun" and "In Absentia." There's a considerable backlog of discography going back to the early 90s that I'll be nibbling away at.

Nice tracks: "Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here;" "Mellotron Scratch;" "Lazarus."

1 comment:

lemming said...

No matter how big they are, the little bartlebys are still your children. :-)