Monday, January 18, 2010

After the Earthquake ...

... it seems quite bad that the Haitians should now be getting a big dose of the U.S. military.

Seriously -- if this must be done, surely there's someone who'd look and smell better doing it than us. Almost anybody, really.


Tim Zank said...

Trouble is Jim, no one else will do it. We are damned if we do and damned if we don't. That's why I have always said I don't give a rats ass what "the world" thinks of us, they will think badly of us no matter what we do.

Mimi said...

Oh, but you forget, Jim, that somebody died and left us boss--of the world. What do you want to bet that our military presence in Haiti won't be fading anytime soon?

Jim Wetzel said...

You're right -- I don't look for the current "surge" to wane anytime soon. As for the U.S. military presence, I'm guessing it never went away after the Clinton-administration intervention there. It may have gotten smaller ... but we just don't ever leave.